Nasi Pedas Ibu Andika
Editorial Review
Balinese cuisine is one of the most bold and scrumptious fares in the world, but with their famous dishes being roast suckling pig, pork ribs and duck it will be pretty taxing to find proper Halal food for many Indonesian Muslims. Nevertheless, there is always one place in Bali that is synonymous not only for being a Halal restaurant, but is also a must-visit warung for locals and visitors alike.
Nasi Pedas Ibu Andika, is an unassuming warung to have a no frills, wholesome dish of Ibu Andika’s fried chicken, vegetables, abon, fried corn fritters and tempe. Simple yet tasty dishes, but they are doing something right as people just keeping coming back and spreading the word. The Javanese style of cooking is quite outstanding in all her dishes with sweet, savoury and spicy flavours, and it does not matter whether you are seeking halal food or not, as Ibu Andika purely serves good food. Period!
The casual dining experience of one walking in, picking out the choice of foods available , then having to eat it right away with no fuss and waiting, is the other appeal of this place. Ibu Andika’s specialty has to be the fried chicken skin (which is usually sold out in hours), fried chicken, salty deep-fried anchovies and her special piquant sambal sauce. The combination of the deep fried and spicy dishes over warm rice is certainly a treat and depending on what you order, you pay anywhere from Rp.10.000 up to Rp.40.000 per person, which is a bargain.
With over three decades of history, from humble beginning on a rickshaw, even the Balinese acknowledge that Nasi Pedas Ibu Andika is a part of the Balinese cuisine institution now.
Sebenarnya tidak ada yg terlalu special makanan disini masakan nya sndiri seperti nasi rames pada umum nya hanya saja sambal yg disediakan disini pedasnya memang lebih "nonjok" dan ada beberapa makanan yang jarang di temui di Jkt, seperti usus dan kulit ayam yang digoreng garing lalu diberi bumbu.
Tempat ini juga bisa jadi salah satu pilihan bagi para backpackers yang mencari makanan halal dgn harga yg ramah dikantong. Apalagi tempat ini buka 24 jam.
Pedasnya tidak semenantang bagi saya yang memang penyuka makanan pedas. Rasa makanannya terkadang kurang bumbu atau malah terlalu asin. Herannya, setiap kami ke sana selalu kehabisan menu.. padahal mereka kan buka untuk 24 jam.. kami mengharapkan menunya lengkap.
Satu hal lagi masukan untuk Nasi Pedas Bu Andika, pelayanannya sering kurang ramah. Membuat saya malas untuk berkunjung lagi.