
Cast: Jung Yu Mi, LEE Sun Kyun, Kim Gook Hee
Director: Jason Yu
Bahasa Indonesia - Hyun-su dan Soo-jin adalah pasangan pengantin baru. Tiba-tiba, Hyun-su mulai mengigau saat sedang tidur. Ada orang di dalam. Sejak malam itu, setiap kali tertidur, Hyun-su berubah jadi seperti orang lain dan tidak ingat akan kejadian malam sebelumnya. Soo-jin menjadi resah dan tak bisa tidur karena takut apabila ia lengah, Hyun-su dapat melukai keluarganya. Walau sudah menjalani pengobatan, gangguan tidur berjalan Hyun-su malah makin menjadi, sehingga Soo-jin mulai khawatir bahwa bayi dalam kandungannya kini berada dalam bahaya
English - Hyun-su and Soo-jin are newlyweds. Seemingly out of nowhere, he starts talking in his sleep. Someones inside. From that night on, whenever he falls asleep, he transforms into someone else with no recollection of what happened the night before. Soo-jin is overwhelmed with anxiety that hed hurt her family while she sleeps and can barely sleep a wink because of this rational fear. Despite sleep treatment, Hyun-sus sleepwalking only intensifies, and she begins to feel that her unborn child may be in danger...
(In Korean with Indonesian subtitles)
English - Hyun-su and Soo-jin are newlyweds. Seemingly out of nowhere, he starts talking in his sleep. Someones inside. From that night on, whenever he falls asleep, he transforms into someone else with no recollection of what happened the night before. Soo-jin is overwhelmed with anxiety that hed hurt her family while she sleeps and can barely sleep a wink because of this rational fear. Despite sleep treatment, Hyun-sus sleepwalking only intensifies, and she begins to feel that her unborn child may be in danger...
(In Korean with Indonesian subtitles)