Why Do You Love Me

Cast: Adipati Dolken, Jefri Nichol, Onadio Leonardo
Director: Herwin Novianto
Tiga laki-laki berusia dua puluhan memulai perjalanan darat ke Surabaya berharap mendapatkan pengalaman seksual pertama mereka. Baskara, seorang penderita saraf lumpuh, Danton dengan tumor otak yang melumpuhkan bagian bawah tubuhnya, dan Miko penderita retinitis pigmentosa, yang membuatnya buta total. Dan, mereka tidak akan membiarkan apa pun menghalangi mereka. Mereka sangat ingin kehilangan keperawanan mereka.
Three guys in their twenties embark on a road trip to Surabaya hoping to have their first sexual experience. Baskara, a paraplegic with paralyzed nerves, Danton with a brain tumor that paralyzes his lower body, and Miko with retinitis pigmentosa, which has made him completely blind. But they are not going to let anything stand in their way, hellbent to finally losing their virginity.
Three guys in their twenties embark on a road trip to Surabaya hoping to have their first sexual experience. Baskara, a paraplegic with paralyzed nerves, Danton with a brain tumor that paralyzes his lower body, and Miko with retinitis pigmentosa, which has made him completely blind. But they are not going to let anything stand in their way, hellbent to finally losing their virginity.