Born To Fly

Cast: Wang Yibo, Hu Jun, Yu Shi, Zhou Dongyu
Director: Liu Xiaoshi
Bahasa Indonesia - Melewati seleksi ketat, pilot muda berbakat Lei Yu terpilih menjadi salah satu pilot uji militer generasi baru. Dilatih oleh Kapten Zhang Ting, Lei Yu harus mengerahkan segala kekuatannya dalam menguji pesawat-pesawat jet tempur tercanggih, yang juga menempanya menjadi lebih tangguh dalam menghadapi rintangan.
English - Talented pilot Lei Yu has been rigorously selected as the new generation of test pilot. He will be trained under the leadership of captain Zhang Ting testing the most advanced fighter jets and pushing himself past the limits, during which he gains resilience in the face of adversity.
(In Mandarin with Indonesian subtitles)
English - Talented pilot Lei Yu has been rigorously selected as the new generation of test pilot. He will be trained under the leadership of captain Zhang Ting testing the most advanced fighter jets and pushing himself past the limits, during which he gains resilience in the face of adversity.
(In Mandarin with Indonesian subtitles)