Jesus Revolution

Genre: DRAMA
Cast: Joel Courtney, Jonathan Roumie, Kelsey Grammer
Director: Jon Erwin, Brent McCorkle
Bahasa Indonesia - Di era 1970-an, Greg Laurie muda mencari-cari segala yang ia butuhkan di tempat-tempat yang salah: sampai akhirnya ia berjumpa dengan Lonnie Frisbee, seorang penginjil jalanan bergaya hippie yang karismatik. Bersama Pendeta Chuck Smith, mereka membuka pintu gereja pimpinan Smith yang tengah lesu bagi sebuah kebangkitan besar-besaran tak terduga serta kasih yang diperbarui, hingga mendorong gerakan Jesus Revolution yang mengubah dunia.
English - In the 1970s, young Greg Laurie is searching for all the right things in all the wrong places: until he meets Lonnie Frisbee, a charismatic hippie-street-preacher. Together with Pastor Chuck Smith, they open the doors of Smith’s languishing church to an unexpected revival of radical and newfound love, leading to a Jesus Revolution that changed the world.
(In English with Indonesian subtitles)
English - In the 1970s, young Greg Laurie is searching for all the right things in all the wrong places: until he meets Lonnie Frisbee, a charismatic hippie-street-preacher. Together with Pastor Chuck Smith, they open the doors of Smith’s languishing church to an unexpected revival of radical and newfound love, leading to a Jesus Revolution that changed the world.
(In English with Indonesian subtitles)