13 Exorcisms

Cast: María Romanillos, José Sacristán, Ruth Díaz, Urko Olazabal, Pablo Revuelta, Silma López
Director: Jacobo Martínez
Bahasa Indonesia - Spanyol, tahun 2015. Laura adalah remaja pemalu dan sensitif yang kesulitan untuk berbaur dengan teman-temannya di sekolah menengah atas. Pada malam Halloween, ia datang ke sebuah pesta dan dipaksa ikut dalam ritual sance untuk melakukan kontak dengan arwah seorang dokter yang telah membunuh istri dan anak-anaknya. Sejak hari itu, kehidupan Laura berubah total Kehadiran kuasa gelap, penglihatan-penglihatan menyeramkan, suara-suara menggelisahkan, munculnya bekas-bekas luka pada kulit, dan berbagai fenomena gaib lainnya mulai menghantui di mana pun dia berada. Orang tua Laura yang relijius sepakat untuk meminta bantuan pastor setempat, yang kemudian menyatakan bahwa Laura kerasukan setan. Untuk menyelamatkan nyawa dan membebaskan Laura, sang pastor harus melakukan serangkaian prosesi pengusiran setan yang tiap tahapannya semakin lama semakin menyiksa dan mengerikan.
English - Spain, 2015. Laura is a shy and sensitive teenager who struggles to fit in with her high school mates. On Halloween night, she attends a party and is tricked into taking part in a sance - an attempt to contact the spirit of a doctor who murdered his wife and children. From that day on, Lauras life is forever changed... Dark presences, terrifying visions, ominous voices, painful marks on her skin, and other paranormal phenomena begin to haunt her wherever she goes. Lauras religious parents decide to call the local priest for advice, who immediately claims she is possessed. To save Laura and set her free, he will have to perform a series of exorcisms - each more violent and terrifying than the last.
(In Spanish with Indonesian/English subtitles)
English - Spain, 2015. Laura is a shy and sensitive teenager who struggles to fit in with her high school mates. On Halloween night, she attends a party and is tricked into taking part in a sance - an attempt to contact the spirit of a doctor who murdered his wife and children. From that day on, Lauras life is forever changed... Dark presences, terrifying visions, ominous voices, painful marks on her skin, and other paranormal phenomena begin to haunt her wherever she goes. Lauras religious parents decide to call the local priest for advice, who immediately claims she is possessed. To save Laura and set her free, he will have to perform a series of exorcisms - each more violent and terrifying than the last.
(In Spanish with Indonesian/English subtitles)