Emergency Declaration

Cast: SONG Kang Ho, Lee Byung-hun, Kim Nam Gil
Director: Han Jae-rim
Detektif veteran In Ho (Song Kang-ho) menerima laporan dari seorang pria tentang serangan teroris pesawat dan mengetahui bahwa tersangka menaiki penerbangan KI501.Jae Hyuk (Lee Byung-hun) menghadapi ketakutannya akan terbang dan pergi ke Hawaii bersama putrinya. Penerbangan KI501 berangkat dari Bandara Incheon menuju Hawaii, tetapi seorang pria meninggal secara misterius di dalam pesawat. Ketakutan dan kebingungan menyebar tidak hanya di pesawat tetapi juga di darat. Sook Hee (Jeon Do Yeon)- Menteri Pertanahan, Infrastruktur, dan Transportasi, membentuk tim penanggulangan terorisme dan mengadakan pertemuan tanggap darurat untuk menemukan cara mendaratkan KI501 dengan aman. Dan pertaruhan menengakan penuh kegilaan ini dimulai saat semua tempat menolak mereka untuk melakukan pendaratan darurat.
Veteran detective In Ho (Song Kang-ho) receives a report from a man about an airplane terrorist attack and finds out that the suspect boarded the KI501. Jae Hyuk (Lee Byung-hun) overcomes his fear of flying and decides to go to Hawaii with his daughter. The KI501 flight departs Incheon Airport and heads for Hawaii, but a man mysteriously dies on board. Fear and confusion spreads not only on the plane but also on the ground. Sook Hee (Jeon Do Yeon), Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, forms a counter-terrorism countermeasure HQ and convenes an emergency response meeting to find a way to land the KI501 safely. And this madness tense situation begins when all places refuse them to take an emergency landing.
Veteran detective In Ho (Song Kang-ho) receives a report from a man about an airplane terrorist attack and finds out that the suspect boarded the KI501. Jae Hyuk (Lee Byung-hun) overcomes his fear of flying and decides to go to Hawaii with his daughter. The KI501 flight departs Incheon Airport and heads for Hawaii, but a man mysteriously dies on board. Fear and confusion spreads not only on the plane but also on the ground. Sook Hee (Jeon Do Yeon), Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, forms a counter-terrorism countermeasure HQ and convenes an emergency response meeting to find a way to land the KI501 safely. And this madness tense situation begins when all places refuse them to take an emergency landing.