
Tiga Pemeluk Teguh Painting Exhibitions

Date Wed, 18 Mar 2015 07:05
Location Kota Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta
Dilihat: 755
Kategori: Lain-Lain

Tentang Iklan Ini

Harga: Rp5.858,- Nego
Tipe: Dijual
Kondisi: Baru
Deskripsi Iklan:
Painting Exhibitions Tiga Pemeluk Teguh
Aming Prayitno, Subroto Sm, Suwaji
Gallery Kemang 58
Jl.Kemang Raya No 58,Jakarta Selatan-Indonesia
Open for Public September 9 2014 (10.00 AM)
Exhibition will be held October 5 2014 (8.00 PM)
The exhibition is a reflection of their journey which shows the creations of this three artists produced from 1970s until now. These creations is also the reflection of passion, dedication and principle that art is a part of their soul.
talenta o.
Anggota Sejak: 01 Feb 2011