Jl. Boulevard Bintaro Jaya Bl B7 No. N1, Taman Menteng Bintaro Sektor 7
Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia, 15412


发布由 Usman u. 上 20 Oct 2012
Maybe because relatively New and still a lot of people willing to go and try the food and hospitality, the management with A LOT OF EGO and UNPOLITE statement saying .......SORRY WE CAN NOT OFFER RESERVATION ON WEEK END BECAUSE TOO MANY PEOPLE ARE COMING......????

I wander why a lots of guest would rather not comeback for the second time.


评论在 Wilda Watch

发布由 iin p.
上 15 Feb 2021
langganan saya dari dulu
sebagai pemilik akun love indonesia, saya mau mereview toko ini. wah toko ini sih legenda ...

