
评论在 Loewy

发布由 Cool D. 上 17 Dec 2010
Good Crowd
Nice Bar Atmosphere
Foods Need More Varieties & New Food Items
Loewy has a good crowd after work. They serve many different kinds of martinis. I recommend people to stop by at loewy after work.

Food wise, I think Loewy needs to change the foods in their menu because they don't change their menu after many years. Please add more Indonesian foods in the menu because we Indonesians prefer Indonesian foods. Loewy also needs to add more finger food varieties in the menu to accompany the beer drinkers.

评论在 Par's Burger and Hotdogs

发布由 Fun-TasTics 上 17 Dec 2010
mak yooss
favorit gw hotdog special dan cheese burger dmana roti dan dagingnya gede bener dan harganya ekonomis. nikmat rasanya, pas hanrganya!!

评论在 Ootoya Japanese Restaurant

发布由 Cool D. 上 13 Dec 2010
Good Japanese Food
Not Expensive
This Japanese restaurant-chain is originated from Japan; their first restaurant in Japan was established in 1958. The restaurant has spacious seating layouts. So, people from other tables can't really hear your conversation. Straight to the food, I would recommend the following:

Appetizers: Hotate or Caesar Salad
Main Courses: Sumidon (beef over rice) or Oyakodon (chicken and egg over rice), Hokke or Saba fish, Cold Udon/Soba or Okosama Udon (they also have sets for noodle)
Rice: Hijiki Seaweed or Jakko Fish Rice
Side Dishes: Korroke (Croquette)
Desserts: they have variety of Japanese desserts that you could try

Their staffs also provide pretty good service. You could see some Japanese customers have their lunch/dinner in Ootoya; it shows that this restaurant serves good Japanese food in the Mall.

评论在 Takigawa

发布由 Andy O. 上 12 Dec 2010
Nice foods
Food is nice, quite tasty
Price a bit expensive if there is no discount
Excellent place where you can taste a good japanese cuisine, must try Cold Soba with Tempura. Don't like the Gyu Tan since its a bit hard to chew especially if you had taste a better one Happy

评论在 Kopitiam

发布由 Cool D. 上 10 Dec 2010
Service Parah Sekali
Tidak ada bagusnya
Very Bad Service Quality & Food Tastes Bad
AC tidak dingin di Kopitiam ini, begitu masuk langsung berasa hangat pada jam makan siang jam 13. Nasi Lemak & Oxtail Soup sudah habis jam 13, payah deh dapurnya nih. Pesan Char Kwey Tiau, ternyata kebanyakan kecap manis; jadi tidak bisa dimakan.

Staff ada 6 orang, pada sibuk di counter dan sepertinya agak overload pekerjaannya. Agak lama memang kalau memberikan pelayanannya.

Not recomended. Owner harus check benar ini outlet karena saya tidak recommend sama sekali untuk makan di Kopitiam Grand Indonesia

评论在 Kopitiam

发布由 Fun-TasTics 上 09 Dec 2010
So messy
Waitress perlu ditraining
Coba makan siang di sini berdua bareng temen. Order curry with prata. Makanan saya datangnya lama sekali, padahal tidak rame2 amat. Buat jengkelnya minuman ngga dateng2, padahal makanan udah mau habis. Waitressnya spt tidak tanggap kalau minuman saya blm ada.

评论在 My Pancake

发布由 Edna A. 上 09 Dec 2010
My Pancake di citos
Ultah temen kantor bingung mau makan kemana,akhirnya pilihan jatuh ke My Pancake di Citos. Pesanan makanan meliputi salmon grill, sirloin steak,tenderloin steak,spagetti blackpepper. Harganya lumayan mahal secara porsinya cenderung kecil. Tenderloin steaknya enak tp agak kematangan,so dagingnya ga tender2 amat. Minuman Pink panthernya enak. Sayangnya kita ga makan Pancake,tp sepertinya enak...next time coba!!

评论在 Dragonfly

发布由 Cool D. 上 09 Dec 2010
Best Club in Jakarta
Good Looking Babes
White Boys Looking For Profs
I would say this club is the most happening club in Jakarta on Wed and Fri nights. Nice interior, services, good security and no drugs. So, anybody can feel safe partying in DF. The music also makes you want to shake your body. This club has many good looking babes and they really dressed up to party and look sexy.

However, some white man at the bar are hunting for the professionals and some man acting as the matchmaker in DF Happy

Highlight: a must visit to this club on Wed and Fri nights and party hard

评论在 Kaos Unik

发布由 Romy W. 上 09 Dec 2010
Kaos murah tapi ga murahan. Salute Kaos Unik
Kualitas kaos nya bagus, setara distro. jahitan dan sablon rapih.
saya sendiri lebih milih Kaos Unik daripada distro/FO karena desain terserah kita dan harga lebih murah daripada distro. jadi ga terpatok sama desain yg udah ada di toko. yang lebih penting lagi bisa pesen satu kaos aja.

meskipun respon sms nya sedikit lama, tapi bisa dimaklumi dengan kualitas kaos seperti itu pasti banyak customer yang harus dilayani.

评论在 Santai Malam 1001

发布由 Fun-TasTics 上 07 Dec 2010
Enak dan lezat
Tempatnya bersih dan ruangan ber-AC
Abis jalan-jalan ke MKG pulangnya makan di sini. Masakannya special seafood. Nyobain kepiting saos padang dan black pepper, kerang, cumi, dan gurami. Semuanya enak dan harganya reasonable, patut dicoba.

评论在 Bensehat Reflexy

发布由 yuli u. 上 06 Dec 2010
tempat merelaxs kan diri
Tempat bersih,murah & nyaman buat reflexy, dekat rumah didaerah bintaro. setiap akhir minggu kami selalu menyempatkan diri untuk reflexy dibensehat..semoga ditingkatkan layanannya ya..Tq

评论在 Fat Burger

发布由 rojak a. 上 03 Dec 2010
Burger With Egg (telor mata sapi)
Yummy Burger
Tempat Cuci Tangan Kotor
Burger di Jakarta satu-satunya yang ada pilihan pakai telor mata sapi, selain bisa pakai keju dsn bacon. Very yummy... Higly recommended. Order yang fatburger sudah cukup kenyang dengan skinny french fries. Kalau lapar bisa pesan double fatburger juga. Porsi cukup besar. Mereka ada onion ring juga selain skinny/wedge french fries.

Tempat cuci tangan agak jorok sepertinya kurang sering dibersihkan. Supervisor nya perlu sering memonitor. Pelayanan dari staff cukup friendly.

Keseluruhan, highly recommended bagi yang suka burger.

评论在 Kafe Betawi

发布由 Josephine P. 上 02 Dec 2010
pelayanan nya lelet bener
service nya lama banget & selalu salah order
Untuk tempat c lumayan, interior not bad juga tapi yg sangat disayangkan adalah pelayanan dari server kurang bagus.
dari order nya lama lah dateng nya, server nya lupa dengan apa yg kita order,,bahkan beberapa kali orderan orang lain, dikasih ke kita terus...
rasa nya juga beda dengan Kafe Betawi di cabang lain...
Mohon Team Kafe Betawi Cab Epicentrum untuk meningkatkan service & rasa dari produk yg dijual.

评论在 Coffee Club

发布由 Bistro? 上 29 Nov 2010
Good breakfast place
Open early, 8 am, excellent menu
It's hard to get a breakfast restaurant with full menu option with cozy environment for a chat. coffee club provides all that. they open 8 am, you can order fried rice, sandwich, pasta, eggs, etc. My favourite is pasta picante, oxtail fried rice, and club sandwich. For drink, the cappucino is excellent.

The location is in Plaza Senayan and the mall open its door at 10am. If you come before that, you have to enter from the car park area (near the office building).

评论在 Kopitiam

发布由 Bistro? 上 26 Nov 2010
Good menu but bad service
Nice and simple restaurant, good menu
Bad service, long wait for food
We went to this restaurant because it looked nice, clean, simple and menu items were very tempting. The waiter attended us very well. First order, nasi lemak, came and it was very good. Everything went well, until......the lunch rush came! Then it was chaos!! The rest of our orders took forever to show up, staff were overwhelmed and disoriented. Deffinitely need more staff during rush hour!!

评论在 Fukutaro

发布由 Bali t. 上 22 Nov 2010
Another Japanese Restaurant
Japanese Wannabe
Give us something different
What is the difefrent between Fukutaro and any other Japanese restaurant in Bali? the name Happy

Service just like any other places. Fake smile and sometimes over crowded for nothing.

Food is edible well which is not different with other place

评论在 Bumbu Desa

发布由 Bali t. 上 22 Nov 2010
I'm not sure if this could be call an authentic food. Like any other so called Indonesian Restaurant, what they missed is the taste itself.

I always excited when it come to Indonesia food to find out later how dissapointed I become.

Even low class Thai restaurant can beat this upscale packaging restaurant

评论在 Kopi Lay

发布由 amelia o. 上 22 Nov 2010
Roti Bakar Srikaya yang Kaya Rasa
Fast Service; Good Food
Roti bakar Srikaya di cafe ini; layak diacungi jempol. Roti bakar tempo dulu yang empuk dioles dengan selai Srikaya yang manis, gurih dan wangi sangat cocok diminum dengan segelas kopi tubruk. Apalagi bila dinikmati di sore hari setelah seharian beraktifitas; Wow ... segeer banget.

评论在 Eaton Restaurant & Bakery

发布由 amelia o. 上 22 Nov 2010
Hot Penang Char Kway Teow
Fast Service
One thing I love in this restaurant is its Penang Char Kway Teow. Nice portion and nice blend of its spices makes Eaton's Kway Teow special. The size of its Kway Teow is also special, not like in other restaurant Eaton's has larger size and smooth texture.

If you have chance to visit this resto, try the Penang Char Kway Teow. It's really HOT.

评论在 Huu Restaurant & Bar

发布由 Bali t. 上 21 Nov 2010
Impress Your Loves One
Great vibes, decor and ambient
Price, Taste can be improved
Once awhile I've visited the restaurant. It's great place to spend some nice atmosphere dinner. Although the food not exactly perfect but if you looking for a late dinner and go straight to mingle at their bar, this could be a place for you

评论在 Mandyko Hair Boutique

发布由 Rezhia B. 上 19 Nov 2010
nice colour decoration, catchy.
d cost is a lil bit expensive
pay attention for ur blow hair style. make sure that u like it, if u dont let them know and the hairstylist is gonna fix it Happy

评论在 Gado Gado Kartika

发布由 Bistro? 上 18 Nov 2010
Combro nya mantap skali!!
Jam 8 sudah buka
Di mulai dari garasi rumahnya pemilik, kian banyaknya penggemar mendorong mereka pindah ke lokasi lebih besar.
Gado gado dan ketoprak adalah menu andalan, diulek dengan cobek raksasa. Bahan2 yang dipakai semua fresh, bumbunya pas banget, membuat pelanggan ketagihan.

Tersedia juga gorengan seperti combro, tape, pisang goreng. Combro disini ok banget!! Lembut, kenyal dan rasanya pedas gurih!! Patut dicoba!!

评论在 Fukutaro

发布由 Bistro? 上 17 Nov 2010
Good udon soup
Very good value for money
No air condition
This buffet restaurant is visited mostly by japanese. Rp.80 thousand for yakiniku bbq buffet and Rp.110 thousand for shabu-shabu buffet. Very good value!!
Ala carte menu is also available, such as Beef udon and Crab soup.

The restaurant is decorated with hanging lanterns which create a cozy and relax atmosphere, especially at night.

Friendly and helpfull staff is an additional value to this restaurant. The only thing I don't like is, there is no air condition. It was hot especially during the day.

If you stay in Nusa Dua area, they have a pick up and drop off service, so no need to get a taxi. Great service!!!

评论在 Bali Nikmat

发布由 rojak a. 上 16 Nov 2010
Good Chinese Seafood
Tasty Crabs
Need to renovate
I would say that this restaurant has one of the best seafood in chinese-style cooking in Bali. This restaurant exists for many years, they have live seafood tanks outside the restaurant and you can choose which you want to order and they will weight them for you.

I ordered a crab with spring onion, ginger and oyster sauce (saos tiram). It was delicious, you won't regret when you order this dish. The steamed shrimps were also great.

The interior, the owner needs to renovate to improve. However, many people still come to this restaurant.

Its staffs gave good service as well.

Overall, they have great foods and highly recommended for domestic or foreign tourists who look for good chinese food.

