Warung Mak Beng

Warung Mak Beng

warung mak beng hang tuah
warung mak beng denpasar selatan
warung mak beng bali
Jl. Hang Tuah No. 45, Sanur
Denpasar Selatan
, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
类别: Restoran
美食: 印尼菜
每人价格: < 100.000
着装要求: Casual
停车场位置: Street Parking
营业时间: 08:00 - 21:00


Along the path leading to Sanur beach, you can get a sense of the cuisine that awaits us. You see typical Italian restaurants, pubs and many more. But the ultimate attention grabber will have to be Warung Mak Beng, and in all logic it shouldnt, as it has the most modest settings compared to its counterparts. However, there are scores of people who line up under the hot sun for a chance to savour the well known delicacy offered by this local diner. Don�t even...

Along the path leading to Sanur beach, you can get a sense of the cuisine that awaits us. You see typical Italian restaurants, pubs and many more. But the ultimate attention grabber will have to be Warung Mak Beng, and in all logic it shouldnt, as it has the most modest settings compared to its counterparts. However, there are scores of people who line up under the hot sun for a chance to savour the well known delicacy offered by this local diner. Don�t even bother to look at the menu as they only serve one type of dish, which is, their fried fish with their ultimately awe-inspiring fish soup and rice. We can honestly say that they do not need to be serving anything else as that particular dish has kept the place running since 1941. The mouth-watering fish soup only servers one purpose and that is to tantalize your taste buds with unique flavours.

As Sydney Smith once said Soup and fish explain half the emotions of human life and Mak Beng�s Fish soup most definitely fits this expression.

Their fish soup is basically made up of rich fish broth and whole chunks of Barracuda, cakalang (skipjack tuna) and other fresh fish, mixed with Balinese traditional spices, bay leaves and their key ingredient, cucumbers. We know that most would think that a combination of cucumbers and soup should be served cold, but trust us, this actually works really well! The cucumber adds a fresh flavour to the spicy broth by eliminating the fishy scents, and bay leaves are added to enhance the taste. Every mouthful leaves a tingling sensation in your tongue!

When we asked the owner, why they had not expanded their business that had started over half a century ago, especially when they had the advantage of an early start, they responded by saying it wouldn�t be the same, they all know where to find us.

Definitely a must try!

Local Resto

发布由 dewi p. 上 24 May 2014
Harganya ngga mahal
Tempatnya kurang nyaman
Pertama kali makan disini. Dateng jam 2 tempatnya masih penuh jadi harus ngantri agak lama. Dilihat dari tempatnya sih memang cuma sekedar warung ala kadarnya, tp penasaran juga utk coba.

setelah rela ngantri, datanglah ikan bakar, sup ikan & sambalnya yang jd their signature. Memang mereka cuma punya menu ini di sini.

ehm... ternyata memang beneran enak, kuah sup ikannya seger bgt, ikan bakarnya pas rasanya & sambelnya bikin keringetan smp ujung kepala.

worth to try!!

Warung Mak Beng

Warung Mak Beng

Warung Mak Beng

Warung Mak Beng

Warung Mak Beng



评论在 Wilda Watch

发布由 iin p.
上 15 Feb 2021
langganan saya dari dulu
sebagai pemilik akun love indonesia, saya mau mereview toko ini. wah toko ini sih legenda ...