Bali Surgawi Hotel

bali surgawi hotel legian kelod
bali surgawi hotel kuta
bali surgawi hotel bali
Jl. Legian Kelod
, Kabupaten Badung, Bali, Indonesia
类别: 酒店
酒店类别: 标准间
明星: 三星
停车场位置: Parking Lot

uncharming owner and less friendliness

发布由 genderuwa p. 上 18 Sep 2012
Iam not feeling comfortable with the owner´s attitude and the gossips around their workers. the hypocrite people are the most unhonest assholes in this world.

there are many other places in BALi we can visit, and many other different hotels with more funny and nice honest people.

Bali Surgawi Hotel

Bali Surgawi Hotel

Bali Surgawi Hotel

Bali Surgawi Hotel

Bali Surgawi Hotel



评论在 Wilda Watch

发布由 iin p.
上 15 Feb 2021
langganan saya dari dulu
sebagai pemilik akun love indonesia, saya mau mereview toko ini. wah toko ini sih legenda ...